Violent and challenging behaviour

SEND-VCB-PROJECT Many times the parents ask what to do. Child has anxiety based behaviour issues. There could be self harm, harm to their siblings or parents. Some parents ask in desperation because the child is now stronger/taller than them.In these situations I find that nearly every time they are recommended the SEND VCB project by […]

Resolve issues with SENSAP


How to get issues resolved with SENSAP Guide from a parent – Anonymous – shared with permission So SENSAP:::: We all know that they are at crisis point and that’s why it’s so important to follow the proper complaints procedures so things are audited and scrutinised properly. I’ve seen lots of “email this person” posts […]

Autism friendly haircuts in Leeds

There are recommendations for Leeds by Leeds parents Please do call and check as staff changes and business change hands and would be great to know that they are able to accommodate your child’s needs Sarah at Lads and Dads in Adel Cheeky Chops (Meanwood) Instytute M Kral , 149 Town St, Armley, Leeds LS12 […]

Private diagnosis of Autism and ADHD

Recommendations by Leeds Parents Every one knows that the NHS waiting times on getting a diagnosis are very long. Although outsourcing to Clinical Partners and the like has shortened the waiting times, it is still at unacceptable level for most people concerned about their children. Some parents who can afford, consider a private diagnosis, but […]

Blue Badge for hidden disabilities

If your child has hidden disabilities, you may be eligible for a blue badge. If your child has higher rate mobility they are automatically eligible Start your journey at Remember that the application can be saved and you can come back to it. Once your application is accepted and your child is younger than […]

Sleep issues help resources


Many parents of ASC children report sleep issues. Here are a few tips. Sleep Clinics Scope have a Sleep right service, Barnardo’s offers a sleep clinic. Please get in touch with your local Barnardo’s at You can talk to your GP to get referred to the NHS Sleep Clinic. This could also be […]

Professionals and fitness to practice


HCPC is a body (Health and care professionals council) that registers professionals in this field. You may have seen that your EP or Speech therapist, for example, have an HCPC number in their reports. This is their HCPC registration number and allows them to practice in a certain field. To practice in these fields, the […]


STARS (Specialist Training in Autism and Raising Standards) is a Local government paid department. According to them: STARS are a team of autism specialists who offer advice and training to mainstream settings. We work in early years settings, primary schools and secondary schools. We are committed to raising expectation and achievement for all children with […]

List of upcoming topics

Autism Books

Fitness to Practice complaint STARS Sleep Issues ZigZag review Social stories Violent and challenging behaviour Current state of SENSAP, a review SEND Green Paper Complaining to PALS School aged children diagnosis School Bill Annual reviews (Leeds specific) Preparing for a hospital visit EOTAS in Leeds Extreme Stimming Accessing college Preparation for adulthood Accessing a PA […]

Sean Bowers – review


We first approached Sean ( when our independent Educational Psychologist recommended him. She told us that over the years she’d worked with several SEN Advocates but she had found working with Sean a breeze and out of the lot she’d recommend Sean the most. This strong positive feedback was enough for us and we decided […]