We first approached Sean (http://www.senaction.co.uk/) when our independent Educational Psychologist recommended him. She told us that over the years she’d worked with several SEN Advocates but she had found working with Sean a breeze and out of the lot she’d recommend Sean the most. This strong positive feedback was enough for us and we decided to give Sean a call.

In my first call Sean came across as calm and composed. He listed to our issues and give sound advise. I was a bit hesitant because he charged a single one off fee. However, Sean and I came to a payment agreement and that worked really well for us.

Once we were with Sean, everything was automatically sorted. He took complete control of the case management, leaving us only to make decisions. He was there most of the times to give advice. There were times when Sean was not approachable, but these were times I knew he was at tribunal or evidence dead line helping other parents in need.

Sean has deep understanding of how LA personnel think and strategize and nearly all his prediction about the way our tribunal will proceed, happened exactly as he expected them to happen. He held our hand through out the process.

Once we were near the evidence deadline is when Sean really came into action and sorted out all the evidence in what can only be called perfection.

At the tribunal, Sean fought for our child case with extreme skill of a master craftsman. He fought for our child like he would fight for one of his own. At no point did I feel him slacking or compromising. It is an experience of it’s own to see him perform his magic in the tribunal. Sean’s final written submissions were a piece of art. I must have re-read them a dozen times because they were just so skilfully worded.

A few things to add, to this
1. We won the tribunal
2. Although we had one postponement and two adjournment, at no time did Sean ask for additional funding
3. Sean continued to support with “after care” and replied to my queries even after tribunal was over
4. Sean is a wonderful person, and it’s been great to know him and have worked with him.

If you are going to SEND Tribunal over EHC Plan, I cannot recommend Sean enough.

I would also like to refer you to Sean FAQ page http://www.senaction.co.uk/index.cfm?task=faq that has helped me a lot in understanding the EHCP process

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