If your child has hidden disabilities, you may be eligible for a blue badge. If your child has higher rate mobility they are automatically eligible

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Remember that the application can be saved and you can come back to it. Once your application is accepted and your child is younger than 16 , you’ll get a £10 refund. Do not be alarmed, this does not mean that blue badge application has been rejected. This is standard for children under 16.

Please use the form to explain how your child may be a danger to themselves or others, if they are a flight risk, or have melt downs, or issues with walking long distances. You have to think of it as the worst day and not and average day. You’ll have to provide contact for a professional who can give further evidence. We provided our paediatrician, others have reportedly used their health visitor or school SENCO etc.

Evidence wise you can add as much as possible, including a diagnosis if you have one, NHS letters, school reports, EHCP, DLA , or a letter of support from the school.

If you don’t hear back in a long time you can e-mail
blue.badge.assessments@leeds.gov.uk remember to include your child’s full name and date of birth and address and your full name so they can identify your application.

You can also call them on (0113) 378 3278

Our application was nearly 2 months over date. When I chased it up, it turned out it was awaiting paediatrician input but she’d been away on annual leave. I chased it up with paediatrician and she was able to sort it quickly. So It’s always worth to chase things because they can have a tendency to be put aside and forgotten.

I’d like to tell you a story about not having a blue badge. I once took our child to “the Deep Aquarium” in Hull. We parked in the normal car park in the only parking bay available. When we got out of the car, I realised that the parking machine was in the opposite direction of the aquarium. Also I did not have the required change so I would have to walk to the Aquarium shop, get change and walk back to the car that would be impossible with a 5 year old ASC child without risking a meltdown. Not wanting to waste a journey this far I risked it and went to Aquarium without paying the parking. On our return, I was in the same dilemma as I had accidentally started walking towards the car. Again, forgot to get change. We drove off , risking a fine, but I managed to avoid a distressed child. A blue Badge in this situation would have been god sent.

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