How to get issues resolved with SENSAP Guide from a parent – Anonymous – shared with permission

So SENSAP:::: We all know that they are at crisis point and that’s why it’s so important to follow the proper complaints procedures so things are audited and scrutinised properly. I’ve seen lots of “email this person” posts but an email sent by a parent directly to a manager is not treated in the same way as a formal complaint and the legal timescales for responses don’t apply. If you are having problems the details for making a complaint are here. I’ve now got a customer services officers contact details and have gotten further with them than anyone else.…/Feedback-to-childrens…

Unless you go through all the stages of the formal complaints procedure you will be unable to take them to the local government ombudsman until you do.

Make sure you know the statutory timescales and if you haven’t heard from them by the time those are up then submit a formal complaint. The more these delays are complained about the better!

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