Updated who is who at Leeds

Director of Children Services Julie Longworth – julie.longworth@leeds.gov.uk Head of children services This role is not covered in one post on the Leeds City Council Structure. Dan Barton is the Deputy of Children and Families – Daniel.Barton@leeds.gov.uk Short Breaks Lead This role is not covered in one post on the Leeds City Council Structure. SEND Commissioners […]
Free resources at Nicola Hughes

Nicola Hughes has posted some really cool free resources on her website. Please do check them out! These include infinity colouring sheets and a really handy SEN parents communication log! https://www.nicolahughes.co.uk/resources
What is SENDSorta and why you need it!

SENDSORTA empowers parents of special needs children in UK with an innovative app designed to guide, educate, and support them in improving their child’s outcomes. By providing expert-led training and personalized, 24/7 support, our platform transforms parenting challenges into triumphs, ensuring every child reaches their maximum potential. By doing so, SENDSORTA seeks to positively impact the families as well as to have a macro social-economic impact.
What support you may be entitled to

DISABILITY LIVING ALLOWANCE (DLA) For under 16’s Based on needs not diagnosis Not means tested Telephone: 0800 121 4600 Care component Care component Weekly rate Lowest £26.90 Middle £68.10 Highest £101.75 Mobility component Mobility component Weekly rate Lower £26.90 Higher £71 CARERS ALLOWANCE £76.75 a week if you care for someone at least 35 hours […]
Our experience with Intensive Interaction

I am writing this blog here while all is still relevantly fresh, in hope to give some understanding to those looking for what Intensive interaction is, why it is recommended and to share our personal experience with it. The first time I heard the words “Intensive Interaction”, was probably in our first private speech and […]
How to do a Freedom of Information request

First of all a note: Freedom of information request also known as FOI is not the same as subject access request, also known as SAR They are two completely different things. The Freedom of Information Act covers any recorded information (data) that is held by a public authority in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and […]
Eye test for non-verbal child who doesn’t follow instructions

I can only share my experience of this for my child. We are based in Leeds, UK, your experience may be different. It was the school that indicated that our non-verbal 5 year old needed to get an eye check. She was squinting and watching things at strange angles. We knew taking her to a […]
Books for Autistic and ADHD children to understand autism

A list of recommended book He’s Not Naughty! A Children’s Guide to Autism ADHD Is Our Superpower: The Amazing Talents and Skills of Children with ADHD The Abilities in Me: Autism All Cats Are on the Autism Spectrum A Gear That Just Won’t Turn: What Adhd Is Like for Me All dogs have ADHD
Subject access request to Local Authority

First of all a note: Freedom of information request also known as FOI is not the same as subject access request, also known as SAR They are two completely different thigs. The right of access, or subject access request, also known as SAR is a right under GDPR law. Right of access permits you to request […]
Reasonable adjustments in schools

What are reasonable Adjustments Some people or organisations like employers, shops, local authorities and schools must take positive steps to remove the barriers you face because of your disability. This is to ensure you receive the same services, as far as this is possible, as someone who’s not disabled. The Equality Act 2010 calls this […]