First of all a note: Freedom of information request also known as FOI is not the same as subject access request, also known as SAR

They are two completely different thigs.

The right of access, or subject access request, also known as SAR is a right under GDPR law. Right of access permits you to request and receive a full breakdown of all the personal data you have shared with an organisation or the organisation holds on you. Think about medical data, school data, personal details etc.

The Freedom of Information Act covers any recorded information (data) that is held by a public authority in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and UK-wide public authorities based in Scotland. It does not give you access to you personal data. An example of FOI will be meeting notes of a meeting or organisation structure of a department etc.

This is template I used to request an SAR from the local authority. Please feel free to amend and send this.

Dear Sir/Madam

Please see my subject access request (Freedom of Information Act 2000) below and let me know if you need any further information from me.

I am the parent of XXX DoB DD-MM-YYYY and am making a Subject Access Request.

I require the following information:

- All information held by Statutory Assessment Team and any other YYYYYY LA Education Teams.

- All phone calls notes, emails, minutes of meetings between YYYYYY LA council staff including internal and external Legal Teams and data relating to XXXX in Minutes of any meetings/panels where XXX was discussed including Provision Panels, High Needs Panels, Assessment Panels, Funding panels, Departmental meetings, Correspondence (initial and replies) including phone call notes, emails and any electronic transfer of information between Statutory Assessment Team and any other YYYYYY LA teams/staff to schools including but not limited to ZZZZZZ Primary School.

- Any information held about XXX accessing "XXXXXX" , "XXXXX" OR "XXXXXX"

- Any correspondence between YYYYYY LA and health partners such as ZZZZZZZ, Speech and Language etc

- Any internal correspondence between YYYYYY LA departments and staff

- All information in relation to XXXX special educational needs and EHCP and potential placements

The timeframe for this is from the DD-MM-YYYY up to the date of this request.
Many thanks

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