EOTAS Provisions

This is a list of provisions that have been paid by Leeds LA in the past as part of EOTAS either directly or agreed via a personal budget. Data source is either the provision, or via parents/guardians Provision Link Location The talking house (SALT) https://www.thetalkinghouse.co.uk/ Boston Spa Chatter Bug (SALT) https://chatter-bug.com/ Killingbeck Leeds Bilbrough Country […]
Leeds Education SEND Personal Budget Policy

Who’s who at Leeds Education

These contacts are publicly available and this do not breech anyone’s privacy. Correct as off June 2022 Name Title Contact Salim Tariq Director of Children and Families Shaheen Myres Deputy Director Learning Val Waite Head of Service forLearning Inclusion Ben Allchin Statutory assessment and provision lead
Occupational Therapist List

Name Firm Location Contact Kids in Sync Barnet https://www.kidsinsync.com/ Juniper Tree Therapy Leeds https://www.junipertreetherapy.com/ Bryher Hill Helping Kids Shine Wales https://helpingkidsshine.co.uk Jenny Stephenson Butterflies Occupational Therapist Leeds https://butterfliesot.com/ Jessica CPPS York https://www.cpps.co.uk/ Hannah Potential OT Market Rasen https://www.potentialot.co.uk/ Therapy in Praxis Harrogate/Knaresborough http://therapyinpraxis.uk/ Debbie Divell Sensory UK UK wide via Zoom Location not mentioned https://sensoryuk.com/about […]
Nursery to primary school placement appeal

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. These do not constitute legal advice. Please consult qualified legal professional for legal advice. From https://www.gov.uk/schools-admissions/appealing-a-schools-decisionAppeals for infant classes You need to go through the same process if you’re appealing a decision about an infant class. In reception, year 1 and year 2, the class size is limited to […]
List of Speech and Language Therapists for EHCP

I have collected this list from Facebook groups. I have no association with any of these below and these are in no order of preference. Name Firm Contact/Website Myra Pontac myrapontac.slt@gmail.com Libby Hill Small Talk http://www.libbyhillspeechtherapist.co.uk/ Chris Wade South Wales Speech Therapy https://southwalesspeechtherapy.co.uk/ Juanita Hurley juanitahurley1@hotmail.co.uk Various The Talking House , Weatherby https://www.thetalkinghouse.co.uk/
List of SEND EHCP Solicitors

Please note, solicitors are not same as advocates, they are much more expensive, but also deal with bigger issues like failure of LA etc or taking on bigger cases like going to 2nd Tier Tribunal. However if you have access to legal aid you may be able to use solicitor service via Legal Aid. Here […]
List of SEND EHCP Advocates

Here is a list of SEN Advocates that I have collected from Facebook recommendation. I have no association with any of these listed below. I have however used Sean for our appeal and have shared my review here Name Firm Website Sean Bowers *review available SEN Action https://www.senaction.co.uk/ Fiona advocacyandmediation https://www.advocacyandmediation.co.uk Rochelle Victoria https://www.ehcpconsultancy.co.uk The […]
List of Independent EPs for EHCP (updated 02/11/2024)

Here is a list of educational psychologist that I have gathered over some time. Hope you find it helpful Educational psychologist Some names I have picked up from Facebook groups Name Location Firm Contact David Soars Wirral https://dspsychology.co.uk/ Dr Sarah Modi https://www.mosaicpsychology.co.uk/ Jonathan Middleton Cheshire http://middletonpsychology.co.uk/ David Urani probably no longer working Ruth Waterhouse http://www.stepspsychology.co.uk/ourpeople.php […]
Some selected EHCP QnA

So this post is about the Q/A we see a lot of times being asked by parents. Hope you find it helpful Been turned down for assessment for EHC. The letter stated they felt my child may have SEN but that they don’t think my child requires support over and above what’s in school. Is […]