How to write your Costed EOTAS proposal

Costed EOTAS If your child is unable to attend school due to trauma, anxiety, autistic burnout, or other complex needs, and the Local Authority (LA) has agreed to provide Education Otherwise Than at School (EOTAS), you may be asked to submit a costed EOTAS package. This guide will help you understand what a costed package […]
Updated who is who at Leeds

Director of Children Services Julie Longworth – Head of children services This role is not covered in one post on the Leeds City Council Structure. Dan Barton is the Deputy of Children and Families – Short Breaks Lead This role is not covered in one post on the Leeds City Council Structure. SEND Commissioners […]
Social care assessment requests

Please note this is not legal advice When making a request for a disability social care assessment , we need to think abut a few things so that the picture in our head is clear when we engage with the social care team who come to assess the family. If you are writing it down […]
Free resources at Nicola Hughes

Nicola Hughes has posted some really cool free resources on her website. Please do check them out! These include infinity colouring sheets and a really handy SEN parents communication log!
What support you may be entitled to

DISABILITY LIVING ALLOWANCE (DLA) For under 16’s Based on needs not diagnosis Not means tested Telephone: 0800 121 4600 Care component Care component Weekly rate Lowest £26.90 Middle £68.10 Highest £101.75 Mobility component Mobility component Weekly rate Lower £26.90 Higher £71 CARERS ALLOWANCE £76.75 a week if you care for someone at least 35 hours […]
How to find a private speech therapist

We used to use the two following companies Chatter Bug and The Talking house Melissa who used to work for The Talking house has her own company now the best way to find SLT in my view is via the website Basically you put in where you live, and what sort of SALT […]
AAC Apps

In the realm of assistive technology, communication aids have become a cornerstone for individuals who face challenges in verbal communication. This article delves into some of the most prominent communication aids available, helping you to decide which one might be the best fit for your needs. Each of these tools offers distinct features and benefits, […]
Checking your EHCP Draft in Leeds

Before you read further have a look at this The draft is received when all the professional input that was requested during the assessment phase has been received and the Case Work Officer (CWO) has taken the input and compiled it into an EHCP Draft. When you receive the EHCP you’ll also receive copy […]
Our experience with Intensive Interaction

I am writing this blog here while all is still relevantly fresh, in hope to give some understanding to those looking for what Intensive interaction is, why it is recommended and to share our personal experience with it. The first time I heard the words “Intensive Interaction”, was probably in our first private speech and […]
How to do a Freedom of Information request

First of all a note: Freedom of information request also known as FOI is not the same as subject access request, also known as SAR They are two completely different things. The Freedom of Information Act covers any recorded information (data) that is held by a public authority in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and […]