In the realm of assistive technology, communication aids have become a cornerstone for individuals who face challenges in verbal communication. This article delves into some of the most prominent communication aids available, helping you to decide which one might be the best fit for your needs.

  1. Proloquo2Go (iOS, £250) Proloquo2Go is an iOS-exclusive application renowned for its versatility and user-friendly interface. Priced at £250, it offers a comprehensive solution for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), ideal for individuals with speech impairments. Its intuitive design and extensive customization options make it a popular choice among users.
  2. TD Snap by Tobii Dynavox (iOS/Windows, £50) TD Snap, created by Tobii Dynavox, is a flexible software available for both iOS and Windows platforms. With a cost of only £50, it’s an affordable yet effective tool for AAC. TD Snap is known for its adaptability, supporting a wide range of users with varying communication needs.
  3. NovaChat (Dedicated Device, £3500) Unlike the previous apps, NovaChat is a dedicated device specifically designed for AAC. Priced at £3500, it’s a premium option that offers robust features and durability. NovaChat is suitable for individuals requiring a dedicated, standalone solution for their communication needs.
  4. LetMeTalk (Available on Select Android Devices) LetMeTalk is an innovative solution available on certain Android devices. While the cost details are not specified, this app provides an alternative for Android users. It’s known for its ease of use and accessibility, catering to a diverse range of communication requirements.
  5. LAMP (iOS, £300) Lastly, LAMP (Language Acquisition through Motor Planning) is an iOS-based application priced at £300. It’s specifically designed to support language development and communication for individuals with autism. LAMP emphasizes consistent motor patterns for speech, making it a unique offering in the AAC app market.

Each of these tools offers distinct features and benefits, catering to various needs and preferences. Whether you require a sophisticated device like NovaChat or prefer the simplicity and affordability of apps like TD Snap and LetMeTalk, there’s an option available to enhance communication for those who need it.

As technology continues to evolve, these communication aids are expected to become even more advanced, further empowering individuals with speech and communication challenges. It’s essential to assess your specific needs and consult with professionals when choosing the right tool for you or your loved one.

TD Snap by tobidynavoxIOS / Windows£50
NovaChatIts a device£3500
letmetalk by AmazonSome android devices
coughdropIOS, andorid, windows, amazon£300
CommboardsIoS, Android
smart box “grid3”IOS£400 or £10 monthly

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