How to write your Costed EOTAS proposal

Costed EOTAS If your child is unable to attend school due to trauma, anxiety, autistic burnout, or other complex needs, and the Local Authority (LA) has agreed to provide Education Otherwise Than at School (EOTAS), you may be asked to submit a costed EOTAS package. This guide will help you understand what a costed package […]
Understanding the Educational Psychologist Visit in England: A Guide for Parents

Introduction When your child is undergoing an Education, Health, and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment in England, one of the critical components is the visit from an Educational Psychologist. This encounter is pivotal in determining the specific needs of your child and shaping the support they receive. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what to expect […]
Checking your EHCP Draft in Leeds

Before you read further have a look at this The draft is received when all the professional input that was requested during the assessment phase has been received and the Case Work Officer (CWO) has taken the input and compiled it into an EHCP Draft. When you receive the EHCP you’ll also receive copy […]
Creating least path of resistance for your EHCP

TLDR – Summary Introduction We do so many things that in retrospect we could have done better or in a different way. It’s difficult to pick the best way forward when you are making the journey for the first time. Each person is different. What works for one may not work for others. I have […]
Parental statement at tribunal

The initial statement As stressful as the tribunal is, it is also very procedural. It normally starts with the Judge introducing herself/himself and then layout the ground rules for the tribunal. Regardless of if you are being represented or representing yourself at the tribunal, after the introductions, you’ll be given a chance to speak and […]
How to do a Freedom of Information request

First of all a note: Freedom of information request also known as FOI is not the same as subject access request, also known as SAR They are two completely different things. The Freedom of Information Act covers any recorded information (data) that is held by a public authority in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and […]
Subject access request to Local Authority

First of all a note: Freedom of information request also known as FOI is not the same as subject access request, also known as SAR They are two completely different thigs. The right of access, or subject access request, also known as SAR is a right under GDPR law. Right of access permits you to request […]
Reasonable adjustments in schools

What are reasonable Adjustments Some people or organisations like employers, shops, local authorities and schools must take positive steps to remove the barriers you face because of your disability. This is to ensure you receive the same services, as far as this is possible, as someone who’s not disabled. The Equality Act 2010 calls this […]
Resolve issues with SENSAP

How to get issues resolved with SENSAP Guide from a parent – Anonymous – shared with permission So SENSAP:::: We all know that they are at crisis point and that’s why it’s so important to follow the proper complaints procedures so things are audited and scrutinised properly. I’ve seen lots of “email this person” posts […]
Professionals and fitness to practice

HCPC is a body (Health and care professionals council) that registers professionals in this field. You may have seen that your EP or Speech therapist, for example, have an HCPC number in their reports. This is their HCPC registration number and allows them to practice in a certain field. To practice in these fields, the […]